Tuesday, April 21, 2009


ok so i guess im like a blogging machine today dont really know why just really feel like typing. its kinda nice to get the thoughts outta my head for once and writing .... well that just takes way to long. so tomorrow i have a dr apt and i nervous about the out come. not that it should really be that big of deal but it has the potential to be...well huge... my husband is stuck at work and this pisses me off cuz i had plans for tonight and my child has 3 teeth coming in all at once and mother nature desided to grace me with allergy that are causing one major head ache. moral of the story my house is my own personal hell at the moment. but that should be no surprise. the fairy doesn't drop here fairy dust my way all that often its ok im getting use to it. grr i hate when a song gets so stuck in your head you just wanna ripe it out your ears... i think my kid is sleeping which has potential to be horrible....its 5:30 she sleeps an hour aint no way im getting her back to sleep before 11...but shes just so damn cranky.... kids i love them when they're not screaming...and dont act like you dont feel the same...