Monday, May 4, 2009

the craziest weekend i think ive every had

ok so this weekend was my mother in laws surprise party.. okay not a big deal she was surprised blah blah so we go play mini golf. we had fun but when we went to leave i realized there was big puddle of green fluid coming from my car... wtf... so we drove it back to my sister in laws and finished the rest of the day.. my brother in law was going to try to fix it sunday so we ended up spending the night at there house.. but that night i went bowling with my two sister inlaws and my mother inlaw... omg sooo much fun... i really suck at bowling but it was still great.. tried to teach my sis inlaw to dance.. hahaha that was great. and i had the semi good looking guy next to us watching, which made his date give me a major evil eye lol just nice to know i still got it lol! but im doing ok on the dieting/working out thing even tho this weekend was crazy... been doing a lot of portion control and the upset stomach ive had the past few days really helped lol.. so we finally get home last night (mind you i got like 3hrs of sleep the night before and my kid got maybe 5hrs sleep) so kaylynn is sleeping we are getting into bed and paul goes... um did we ever find the cat... shit... well she got out saturday when i let the dog out.. we did not know this sooo the poor thing was walking around outside for two days.. i felt so bad... i went outside to look for her and there she was at the end of the parking lot.. when i called her name she froze and then when see saw me she started to run... towards me.. i felt so bad. but my neighbor said she was feeding her stake lucky cat lol.. needless to say my white cat was now black.. so after 3hrs of sleep the night before now i was washing my cat at 10:30pm wonderful but she home and shes safe.. now the car.. my bro inlaw could not fix it did not have the right tools. its at the shop now and its only the tube (had a big hole in it) they are only charging us the part cost and cost of the antifreeze to fill it YAY! so its still like 70$ but coulda been much worse so thank you god.. My parents will be here this week end and i am actually kinda looking forward to it. i gotta clean my house really bad but i think my sis inlaw is watching kaylynn overnight thur for me so i can get it all done with out her up my butt lol.. so this weekend was so much fun so frustrating and so crazy all at the same time.. but hey im an urban i should be useto it by now!! lol

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