Tuesday, June 2, 2009


so kaylynn just took like 6 steps...very well i might add. across the room just to get to me..thought she was going to sit and crawl but nope she walked. so happy shes finally getting it.. me and daddy and her aunt and grandparents too have been working soo hard to get her to just let go...shes finally doing it.. Plus she keeps saying new words, she loves to "try" and sing the alphabet song (so funny and cute) im trying to work on sounds of letters with her now, she just looks at me like im silly... maybe i am but i want her to have a good head start in life. i want her to have and take every opportunity she has in life. i want the best for her in every way possible.. Shes so cute, every time i ask her if she wants a lil brother or sister she looks at me, smiles, then gives me a big hug :) i want another lil one, especially a boy because my husband is dying for a boy and i really want to be able to give him that. and who knows how much longer im even going to be able to have kids (reminds me gotta make that apt with the new obgyn...)...Lately ive been looking at life in kind of a third person view... it seems like every one i know has some kinda of crisis going on in their lives. Some are handling it well, others are falling apart, some blame the economy some have no clue where they went wrong.. im looking at my life thinking its not where i thought id be, its not as "accomplished" as id like it to be, but i wouldnt want to be any where else. My husband and i are going on 6yrs (for dating, not marriage gee lol) and its crazy to look back on our lives and see how far we've come as people, as a couple, and how much we've grown as parents. I feel so blessed that ive got my happily ever after... it didnt come with out hard work, sleepless nights, heartbreaking fights, but we've gotten here and i couldnt be happier. I wish so much for my family and friends who are looking at their lives right now and not sure whether to stay or run as far away as possible. all i can say is and i havent been married long but ive been threw enough to know its not always easy, its not always care free, some times it hurts like hell, some times leaving seems less painful then staying but in the end you have to look at your own life in third person. What or where do you want to be and who do you want standing next to you.. if you honestly cant see that person in your life (be it husband wife mother father child w/e) then its time you start looking at your life that way now.. but if you see yourself standing next to them and happy FIGHT FOR IT! because obviously your heart is telling you something.. and of course you can never make the other stay, you cant..theres no spell or potion to make some one love you or stay with you(trust me if their were god woulda used it on all of us a looooong time ago) but if that person wants to stay and you want them to stay...work it out. and the only way to know if they want to stay or to work it out...is to openly talk... its hard, i know, but you both have to be open like a public library of your thoughts and feelings.. open it all up... let them do the same, dont be to quick to judge, dont be to easily hurt, try to look at it threw the others eyes, you might not even understand they're pain until you really see it from their side....trust me doing this was what saved my marriage...talk...open....freely...honestly....dont hold back....your goal should be to make them understand your pain and for you to understand there's, then i hope you can heal the pain and work together to be better in each other and for each other...god bless all of my friends who are dealing with this right now...i hope god gives you peace and patience because its a long road either one you take!!!

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